Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2012 Logo Design Contest Official Entries

The En Grande Kids stood up to the challenge and submitted their creations! Best of luck to all of you.

Entry No. 1:

Entry No. 2:
Description: “The cross as well as the color maroon represent the reason for the Pabasa, who is Christ. The yellow shapes symbolize birds -- peace and friendship -- which are the foundations of the En Grande Club.”

Entry No. 3:
Description: "I chose a simple logo to symbolize purity and cleanliness, which describe the state our souls should be in during Lent. The cross of course symbolizes Christ and what he did to save us from our sins. I chose red, blue, and yellow - our national colors - and used these to give the the cross a stained-glass look for a church-y feel."

Entry No. 4:
“The cross represents the central theme of the Pabasa. The wings stand for our freedom from sin and our rebirth after Lent.”

Entry No. 5:
"I simply put a cross on my logo because it represents our creator, Jesus Christ, and a bible because it gives wisdom and unity to the En Grande Members."

Entry No. 6:

Thanks, participants, for spending time on this endeavor. Remember, anything you do, no matter how small -- if it's for the glory of God, then you'll be truly blessed.

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